Arezzo the Best Excellence in Health at 5 minutes from Villa Sargiano
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San Donato Hospital Arezzo - Public Hospital - Departments and Specialists in demand from all over Italy - See here all Wards of Excellence
CENTRO CHIRURGICO TOSCANO - SSN Accredited Private Hospital - "Another example that shows how collaboration between the public and private sectors can lead to excellent results for citizens". (dal Giornale la Nazione). A private health facility accredited with the SSN that has 95 in-patient beds - affiliated with the National Health System - with two beds in intensive care. The centre performs surgical activities in the disciplines of general surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology and urology, and has eight operating theatres, a private emergency room, and a diagnostic imaging department equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation.
SAN GIUSEPPE HOSPITAL - SSN Accredited Private Hospital - 'The Treatment Centre has 83 beds for hospitalisation in the medical, surgical and territorial functional rehabilitation areas. The centre also has an outpatient department for specialist, diagnostic and outpatient surgery services."(AREZZO WEB)
ISTITUTO AGAZZI - Private health centre and affiliated with the SSN. Intellectual Disabilities - Orthopaedic/Neurological Rehabilitation - Feeding Disorders - Autism
Istituto Privato Convenzionato di Riabilitazione Medaglia Miracolosa - Founded in 1917 to treat and assist children suffering from severe neuro-psychological pathologies, the Institute is characterised today by the provision of high-level health and socio-medical Rehabilitation services for childhood and adulthood.